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  1. All about Emma Darwin’s writing: novels, The Mathematics of Love and A Secret Alchemy; non-fiction This is Not a Book About Charles Darwin and Get Started in Writing Historical Fiction; short fiction; my blog This Itch of Writing

  2. Autobiografia di C. Darwin (1809-1882) a cura di Nora Barlow, trad. dall’inglese, Einaudi, Torino 2006 Telmo Pievani, Una donna chiusa nello stereotipo, recensione del libro di C. Ceci, in “L’indice dei Libri del Mese”, Marzo 2013 Sito del libro di Chiara Ceci. Referenze iconografiche: Emma Wedgwood Darwin, ritratto di George Richmond ...

  3. 14 feb 2020 · Charles and Emma in Love. In 1839, a little more than two years after disembarking from the Beagle, Darwin was gob-smacked by love. Emma was an intelligent, level-headed young woman. An excellent pianist, she had studied briefly with Chopin. As Darwin’s feelings for Emma grew, he worried about his looks.

  4. Emma Wedgwood Darwin fu una donna eccezionale e la perfetta compagna di vita di Charles, lo scienziato che cambiò radicalmente il modo in cui l'uomo guarda a sé stesso e alla natura. La biografia, indagando la vita di Emma fin dalla sua infanzia, sa rendere ragione di come e perché il loro sodalizio fu tanto stretto e fruttuoso e quanto determinante fu per l'esistenza e gli studi di Darwin.

  5. Emma Darwin: la sposa incestuosa del padre dell’evoluzione e la dolorosa storia. Quando Charles Darwin, all’età di 29 anni, decise di sposarsi, scelse una persona che conosceva molto bene e a cui era molto affezionato, sua cugina di primo grado Emma Wedgwood, allora trentenne. E non servirono gli avvertimenti del suo amico e collega, lo ...

  6. 8 set 2023 · Emma Darwin (1808–1896) was especially remembered for her patience and fortitude in dealing with her husband's long term illness, which became apparent shortly after their marriage. In nursing and humouring Charles through his many ups and downs, she was a crucial factor in her husband's scientific accomplishments.

  7. › thisitchofwritingThis Itch of Writing

    This Itch of Writing is Moving to Substack: a new chapter. It's a Moment: the Itch is moving house to the blogging platform and community Substack. But. don't panic! All the material that is currently here on Typepad will still be available to anyone who cares to drop by: the Tool-kit, the huge archive of posts, and the comment trails will be ...