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  1. 本校資料 | 蘇浙公學 Kiangsu-Chekiang College 學校網頁. 蘇浙公學 本校由香港蘇浙滬同鄉會創立於一九五八年,自一九九三年起為政府直接資助中學,向以敦品力學及學風純樸.

  2. 沙田蘇浙公學 (英語: Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin) ),全稱 香港蘇浙滬同鄉會沙田蘇浙公學 ,簡稱 KCCS 、蘇浙或 沙蘇 )位於 香港 新界 沙田 禾輋邨 ,於1978年由 香港蘇浙滬同鄉會 創立,是該會在香港所創四校之一。. [1] 該校校訓為「整齊嚴肅」。. 學校設有 ...

  3. 葵涌蘇浙公學 Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung) 辦學宗旨:啟發學生的學習潛能和培養健全人格,提升學業成績及品德修養,以課餘活動作調劑。. 強調學生自律、自覺的精神,以真誠、理解和尊重與人交往。. 學校位置 :葵青區 › 新界葵涌興盛路83號。. 學校地圖 。.

  4. Introduction. It gives me great pleasure to cordially welcome you to the Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung) website. Through this website you will be able to know more about our school. Our school was established in 1982 by Kiangsu Chekiang and Shanghai Residents’ (Hong Kong) Association. Our school motto is “Be Orderly and Respectful”.

  5. Introduction. It gives me great pleasure to cordially welcome you to the Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung) website. Through this website you will be able to know more about our school. Our school was established in 1982 by Kiangsu Chekiang and Shanghai Residents’ (Hong Kong) Association. Our school motto is “Be Orderly and Respectful”.

  6. › index_cKCCS

    Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin) 7 Fung Shun Street, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong 26972179 26025293 ...

  7. 沙田蘇浙公學 Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin). 辦學宗旨:以培養學生的德智體群美五育為宗旨,並依循「中英並重」、「文理並重」、「升學及就業並重」三項原則,致力發展學生的多元智能及提供優質的全人教育。