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  1. Nathan Bedford Forrest ( Chapel Hill, Tennessee; 13 de julio de 1821- Memphis, Tennessee; 29 de octubre de 1877) fue un militar estadounidense, General del Ejército Confederado durante la Guerra de Secesión de los Estados Unidos y el primer Gran Mago del Ku Klux Klan desde 1867 hasta 1869. Antes de la guerra, Forrest amasó una riqueza ...

  2. 5 giu 2021 · The remains of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a slave trader and leader of the Ku Klux Klan, will be moved from Memphis to a Confederate museum 200 miles away. Skip to content Skip to site index.

  3. Nathan Bedford Forrest was born on July 13, 1821, near the village of Chapel Hill in Bedford County, Tennessee (a redrawing of county boundaries has placed Chapel Hill in Marshall County). He was the oldest son of William and Mary Beck Forrest, and would be one of ten siblings, including a twin sister who died at an early age.

  4. 内森·贝福德·福瑞斯特(Nathan Bedford Forrest,1821年—1877年),生于美国田纳西,美国三K党头目。曾经当过牛仔,奴隶主,美国内战爆发后,这个没进过西点军校,没读过一本军事书的人拉起了一支骑兵队伍为南方而战,成为南方少有的骑兵名将,他曾在皮特堡屠杀了300黑人战俘,战后出任三K党的 ...

  5. Nathaniel Bedford Forrest (July 13, 1821–October 29, 1877) was a Confederate Army general during the American Civil War. Perhaps the most highly regarded cavalry and partisan ( guerrilla) leader in the war, Forrest is regarded by many military historians as that conflict's most innovative and successful general.

  6. Nathan Bedford Forrest ( Chapel Hill (Tennessee), 13 juli 1821 – Memphis ( Tennessee ), 29 oktober 1877) was een Zuidelijke generaal in de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Hij werd door zijn vijanden gevreesd als cavalerie - en guerrillaleider. Zijn geslaagde manoeuvre-oorlogsvoeringtactieken worden nog steeds bestudeerd.

  7. Nathan Bedford Forrest was born on 13 July 1821 in Bedford County, Tennessee, to an impoverished backwoods family. Although he received no formal education, Forrest amassed a considerable personal fortune as a planter and slave dealer before the war, and by its end Ulysses S. Grant had come to regard Forrest as “an officer of […]