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  1. Selim III was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1789 to 1807. Although regarded as an enlightened ruler, the Janissaries eventually deposed and imprisoned him, and placed his cousin Mustafa on the throne as Mustafa IV. Selim was subsequently killed by a group of assassins. Selim III was the son of Sultan Mustafa III and his wife Mihrişah ...

  2. Sultan Selim III (1807) (d. 1807)Ottoman sultan who implemented sweeping reforms, known as Nizam-i Jedid (new system), in civil administration and education. Established a new military corps armed and organized according to modern European principles and techniques of warfare. Introduced gun making, printing presses, and translation of Western ...

  3. However, the Ottoman diplomatic establishment was markedly ill-suited for its increased responsibilities, and as European assaults whittled away the Empire from without, reform from within became essential for survival. It was not until the reign of Selim III (1789- 1807) that reform was undertaken with determi-.

  4. › it › Selim_IIISelim III - Wikiwand

    Selim III, detto il Compositore ( Istanbul, 24 dicembre 1761 – Istanbul, 28 luglio 1808 ), fu sultano dell' Impero ottomano dal 1789 al 1807. Fatti in breve Sultano dell'Impero ottomano, In carica ... Selim III. Selim III ritratto da John Young. Sultano dell'Impero ottomano.

  5. LEMMI CORRELATI. ´m III Sultano ottomano (Costantinopoli 1761 - ivi 1808); figlio di Muṣṭafà III. Salito al trono (1789) alla morte dello zio ῾Abd ul-Ḥamīd I, avviò un programma di riforme amministrative e militari che suscitarono l'ostilità degli ambienti conservatori. Deposto (1807) da una sollevazione di giannizzeri, fu ...

  6. 6 giorni fa · Summary. On every possible occasion the ambassador must endeavour to attract the attention of the Turks to France. Emperor Napoleon to the French Ambassador in Istanbul, 1802. With the naval reforms adopted by Kapudan Paşa Cezayirli Gazi Hasan still gathering pace, a further war with Russia broke out in August 1787, prompted by various Russian ...

  7. › wiki › Selim_IIISelim III - Wikipedia

    Selim III postaje sultan 7. aprila 1789. godine nakon smrti rođaka Abdul Hamida I. I ovaj sultan je, kao i njegov prethodnik, pokazivao sklonost ka reformama, ali je, za razliku od Abdul Hamida, bio više upleten u ratne sukobe. Protivljenje reformama, kao i janičarske pobune su ga pratile cijelo vrijeme vladavine.