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  1. › wiki › ArthropleuraArthropleura - Wikipedia

    Arthropleura (Greek for 'jointed ribs') is a genus of massive millipedes that lived in what is now North America and Europe around 345 to 290 million years ago, from the Viséan stage of the lower Carboniferous Period to the Sakmarian stage of the lower Permian Period.

  2. In general, arthropods have mouthparts for cutting, chewing, piercing, sucking, shredding, siphoning, and filtering. This article outlines the basic elements of four arthropod groups: insects, myriapods, crustaceans and chelicerates. Insects are used as the model, with the novel mouthparts of the other groups introduced in turn.

  3. Insects Head of a European hornet (Vespa crabro). In insects, head is a preferred term. The insect head consists of five segments, including three (the labial, maxillary and mandibular) necessary for food uptake, which are altogether known as the gnathocephalon and house the suboesophageal ganglion of the brain, as well as the antennal segment, and an ocular segment, as well as a non segmented ...

  4. › wiki › ArtropodeArtropode - Wikipedia

    Artropodele (din greacă arthron, "articulație" și podos, "picior") sunt animale nevertebrate, ce au membrele articulate.Încrengătura include insecte, milipede, centipede, arahnide, crustacee etc. Artropodele sunt organisme cu un exoschelet (schelet extern), corp segmentat și membre (apendice) anexate de cap și torace.

  5. The mandible (from Latin: mandibula or mandĭbŭ-lum, a jaw) of an arthropod is a pair of mouthparts used either for biting or cutting and holding food. Mandibles are often simply called jaws. Mandibles are present in the extant subphyla Myriapoda (millipedes and others), Crustacea and Hexapoda (insects etc.).

  6. › wiki › ArbovirusArbovirus - Wikipedia

    Arbovirus is an informal name for any virus that is transmitted by arthropod vectors.The term arbovirus is a portmanteau word (arthropod-borne virus). Tibovirus (tick-borne virus) is sometimes used to more specifically describe viruses transmitted by ticks, a superorder within the arthropods.

  7. › wiki › ArbovirusArbovirus - Wikipedia

    Gli arbovirus (dall'inglese arthropod-borne viruses) sono un vasto gruppo di virus appartenenti a famiglie diverse, che possono accrescersi sia negli artropodi che nei vertebrati, raggruppati con un criterio di classificazione ormai datato: sono i responsabili di zoonosi, trasmesse occasionalmente agli uomini da artropodi vettori tramite una puntura.