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  1. › wiki › Sophie_BraheSophie Brahe - Wikipedia

    Sophie Brahe, sorella del celebre astronomo Tycho, nacque in Danimarca in una famiglia della piccola nobiltà, studiò da sola sui libri del fratello e divenne la sua assistente. Il re di Danimarca, Federico II donò a Tycho l'isola di Ven vicino a Copenaghen, sulla quale venne eretto il famoso castello-osservatorio di Uraniborg.

  2. E così non bastò all’astronoma Sophie Brahe studiare e spiegare le eclissi lunari, porre le basi per la teoria eliocentrica, redigere un catalogo di oltre mille stelle fisse e dei pianeti per essere ricordata: è scomparsa dalla storia della scienza e si ricorda solo il fratello Tycho.

  3. 15 mar 2016 · Sophie Brahe was the youngest of ten children of Otto Brahe (1518–1571) a State Councilor and Beate Bille (1526–1605). Self-taught and sister of the famous astronomer Tycho, she became his assistant on the island of Hven, which hosted his personal Astronomical Observatory, supported by King Frederick II of Denmark.

  4. Sophie Brahe, sister of Tycho Brahe, from P. Hansens “Illustreret Dansk Litteraturhistorie” As a member of a wealthy family, she received a private education, as was customary at the time and suited to her rank. She studied German and Latin, but much of the intellectual interests that developed were linked to those of her elder

  5. 15 mar 2016 · Sophie Brahe was the youngest of ten children of Otto Brahe (1518–1571) a State Councilor and Beate Bille (1526–1605). Self-taught and sister of the famous astronomer Tycho, she became his ...

  6. 5 ago 2021 · Nonostante il quadro tutt’altro che favorevole per le donne, Sophie Brahe si distingue nel suo ambiente come astronoma e come scienziata. Sicuramente avvantaggiata dalle sue origini nobili, ha apportato un notevole contributo in ambito scientifico, astronomico e in matematica.

  7. 1 gen 2002 · Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) and his youngest sister, Sophie Brahe (1559-1643), shared strong interests in the culture of science and interacted closely, but the gendered pattern of late sixteenth...