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  1. 23 ago 2024 · Hands are powerful symbols of action and service, and the Bible uses them to convey essential spiritual messages. Today, we'll look into the symbolism and significance of hands in biblical verses, highlighting the importance of using our hands for good and meaningful purposes. Bible Verses About Hands Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, “Let us make

  2. 10 set 2024 · What I’m going to share was received in the early morning hours of July 18, 2024. After a time of prayer, I was sitting quietly before the Lord, when memories of a dream I was given in 2016, the night of the election of Donald Trump, began to flood my mind.

  3. 23 ago 2024 · This verse reflects on the power of God in redeeming His people. It acknowledges that God’s great strength and mighty hand were instrumental in the redemption of His chosen ones. It reminds us that God’s power is not only seen in creation and miracles but also in His redemptive work.

  4. 11 set 2024 · One of the most comforting aspects of God’s hand is the protection it offers. We may feel vulnerable or scared, especially when things seem uncertain. But just as a parent holds a child’s hand to keep them safe, God’s hand is always there for us. This means we are never alone, no matter how challenging our situation might be.

  5. 26 ago 2024 · God reassures His people of His active involvement in their lives. Being in Jesus’ hands means having the Almighty God take hold of their right hand, offering His help and banishing fear. It signifies placing confidence in God’s strength and provision, knowing He is with them every step of the way. Psalm 37:23-24

  6. 26 ago 2024 · “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” Being the hands and feet of Jesus implies a sacrificial devotion. As living sacrifices, we offer our actions, thoughts, and lives to the service of God and others.