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  1. Home Eton Outwards Broadening Access. Eton’s central purpose is the provision of education. Our comprehensive range of scholarships and bursaries ensure that talented boys from all financial backgrounds have the opportunity to benefit from an education at Eton. In 2020/21, 261 boys received fee reductions; 90 of these boys paid no fees at all.

  2. 26 giu 2019 · Infatti, Eton College è molto di piú di un liceo: la loro unicità e forza che li ha caratterizzati come educatori è quella di formare degli individui ‘completi’ da tutti i punti di vista. Le attività extracurricolari spaziano dagli sport al teatro e la musica, in modo tale che gli studenti sviluppino delle passioni, e soprattutto la voglia e determinazione di investire tempo e impegno ...

  3. › college-life › boardingBoarding - Eton College

    Home College Life Boarding. Book an Admissions tour. Boys are thrown together in groups of 10 or 11 as 13-year-olds, and they grow up together over the next five intense and action-packed years. Friendships built up during this period will last for the whole of a person’s life. The roles of House Master and Dame are complex and varied.

  4. Eton College, or just Eton, is a British independent school for boys between the ages of 13–18. It was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI, [1] as the King's College of Our Lady of Eton. Eton College is in Eton, near Windsor in the English county of Berkshire. It is known as the Ampleforth of the south. It is north of Windsor Castle.

  5. 1 lug 2023 · Lo scorso 21 giugno il principe George ha visitato Eton College con i genitori William e Kate. Il bambino compirà 10 anni il 23 luglio 2023, ma le iscrizioni per il 2026, anno in cui comincerà ...

  6. 6 lug 2023 · At Eton College — the boarding school in the British countryside that has educated princes and 20 prime ministers — students wear tailcoats and white ties to classes. But some have worn ...

  7. Eton College, or just Eton, is a British independent school for boys founded in 1440 by King Henry VI, as the King's College of Our Lady of Eton. Eton College is in Eton , near Windsor in the English county of Berkshire.