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  1. St Antony's College heeft ongeveer 500 master- en PhD-studenten van meer dan 66 nationaliteiten. Ze worden vertegenwoordigd door een verkozen studentenbestuur - de Graduate Common Room (GCR). Centrale onderdelen van het studentenleven zijn de gemeenschappelijke eetzaal, de bar en een actieve roeivereniging - de St Antony's Boat Club.

  2. One of the best college of Don Bosco Society, established in 1934 located in Shillong, Meghalaya (North-Eastern part of India). St. Anthony's College - Shillong ST.

  3. Computer Room and Printing. The college computer room consists of 6 PCs and two Multifunction Devices (copy / scan / print), one located within the computer room and one in the lobby just as you enter the Old Main Building on the ground floor. Printing is charged in arrears to your battels using PaperCut.

  4. About us The European Studies Centre at St Antony’s College is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of Europe. It has particular strengths in politics, history and international relations, but also brings together economists, sociologists, social anthropologists and students of culture. We see ourselves as a meeting place and intellectual laboratory for the whole community of […]

  5. St Antony’s College scholarships are only tenable at St Antony’s College. Offer holders must be in receipt of a college offer from St Antony’s College or accept a transfer of their college offer from another college to St Antony’s College. Applicants must apply by the scholarship deadline as shown on the course page on the […]

  6. [si-contact-form form=’1′]

  7. 3 de mayo de 2024. ESSARP Student Leadership retreat 2024. Bianca Mattioli y Manuel da Silva de 5to año participaron del retiro de liderazgo organizado por ESSARP. Durante tres días estuvieron trabajando a través de diferentes actividades, ejercicios y reflexiones las características y dimensiones de los roles de liderazgo.