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  1. She's taken them from the garage to the stadium but acquired a drug habit in the meantime. Right now she's in a coma from a drug overdose and reliving her rise to success and trying to decide if she should wake up and live or just stay asleep. Surrealism and absurdism, this film is described as David Lynch meets Dr. Seuss. Comedy 2020 1 hr 29 min.

  2. 31 mag 2020 · There are no two ways about it, Dust Nuggets is a bit of a mindfuck and a film that asks for a bit of faith and patience from its audience in the beginning, but what might initially feel like utter confusion eventually gives way to an incredibly smart, ambitious and truly unique tale off guilt, envy, ambition, purgatory and self-acceptance.

  3. 13 ago 2020 · Es widmet sich dem Thema der durch Missbrauch bestimmter Substanzen möglichen Abhängigkeit und wurde 2014 veröffentlicht. Ein kleines Vögelchen spaziert durch die Weltgeschichte, bis es plötzlich einem wundersamen, goldenen Tropfen Sirup über den Weg läuft. Nach intensiver Begutachtung entschließt sich das Tier, den Sirup zu schlürfen.

  4. Dust Nuggets. KK Colson is the manager for the Dust Nuggets band. She's in a coma from a drug overdose and dreaming about how she took her band to the top. Now she must decide whether she wants to wake up and live or just stay dead. Elements of surrealism and humor create a unique experience in this film described as David Lynch meets Dr. Seuss.

  5. Jackie Goldfarb. Christopher Paolini. ... Nurse / Stewardess. Julie Schuck. ... Bartender / waitress / monitor. Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Aleks Alifirenko Jr.

  6. 7 apr 2019 · Please consider a tax-deductible donation to the Dust Nuggets film: