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  1. A father and businessman tries to get his daughter to return from Africa where she’s studying medicine until he’s framed for murdering a poacher.

  2. Plot Eyes of a Witness Een arrogante zakenman trekt naar Afrika om er zijn dochter, die er als vrouwelijke arts werkt, te overtuigen terug naar huis te komen. In Kenia wordt de man gearresteerd voor een moord die hij niet begaan heeft.

  3. Gli occhi del testimone. Roy Baxter è preoccupato per la sua figlia Cristina che lavora come medico in Kenya, presso una tribù Masai. Decide di partire per raggiungerla e convincerla a tornare nel suo paese, ma viene accusato di omicidio. L'unico testimone che può salvarlo è un giovane Masai che ha visto tutto, ma che ha troppa paura per le ...

  4. 3 giorni fa · Een zelfingenomen zakenman gaat naar Afrika om zijn dochter, die daar als arts werkt, over te halen terug te keren naar huis. In Kenia wordt hij…

  5. La pellicola Eyes of a Witness è uno 100 minuto drama da 1991. Il cast principale è composto da Carl Lumbly, Jennifer Grey e Daniel J. Travanti.

  6. Roy flies to Kenya to convince her to leave and becomes a suspect for murder when the village is raided and he tries to help a UN doctor shot by the raiders. The only witness is a young Masai boy, who is reluctant to come forward because of possible retribution against his tribe. —Ed Sutton <>

  7. 1 hr 32 mins. Drama. NR. Watchlist. An American entrepreneur (Daniel J. Travanti) is mistakenly charged with murder in Kenya, where his daughter (Jennifer Grey) practices medicine in the bush ...