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  1. Mindaugas was the Grand Duke of Lithuania and the King of Lithuania. He was born in 1203 and died in 1263. References This page was last ...

  2. 9 lug 2017 · King Mindaugas was the first Grand Duke and the only ever King of Lithuania.He is, without a doubt, one of the brightest and most respected Lithuanians ever, and the whole country celebrates his legacy every year on the 6th of July, a day when King Mindaugas was coronated as a King of Lithuania.

  3. The status of a kingdom was granted on 17 July 1251, when the Bishop of Chełmno was ordered to crown Mindaugas by Pope Innocent IV. [1] Two years later, Mindaugas and his wife Morta were crowned King and Queen of Lithuania. [1] In 1255, Mindaugas received permission from Pope Alexander IV to crown his son King of Lithuania.

  4. 6 lug 2024 · Tarp šių dviejų datų, matyt, ir buvo suvienyta Lietuva. Mindaugas buvo ne tik narsus karys, bet ir talentingas politikas. Sau priešišką koaliciją Mindaugas suskaldė papirkdamas Livonijos ordino magistrą ir priimdamas krikštą. 1251 m. Mindaugas su šeima ir artimaisiais bajorais apsikrikštijo.

  5. Un surreale esperimento di traslazione spazio-temporale porterà Per Spicace, vicequestore della città di Bovino, di madre norvegese e padre calabrese e il fido ispettore capo Leone Saltalapappa, ferocissimo quando è a digiuno, su un pianeta chiamato Nux.

  6. Mindaugas in un'illustrazione postuma di Alessandro Guagnini del 1578. La Lituania nacque come entità territoriale attorno al 1230 quando, minacciate dai Cavalieri portaspada al nord e dai Cavalieri Teutonici ad ovest, le tribù baltiche si coalizzarono grazie alla politica di unione compiuta da Mindaugas.

  7. Mindaugas asus omakorda otsima sõprust Saksa ordu Liivimaa haru meistrilt. 1251. aastal läks ta katoliku usku, aga leedulaste üldist ristimist veel ei toimunud. Mindaugas oli osav valitseja, kes ei valinud vahendeid oma eesmärkide saavutamiseks. 6.