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  1. 20 apr 2022 · Donne Estreme. Come Philip Larkin, Kingsley Amis è l’autentico cardine della letteratura britannica del secondo Novecento. Entrambi del ’22 – Sir Kingsley è nato il 16 aprile –, sono stati amici e hanno amato la stessa donna, Hilary Ann Bardwell, la prima moglie di Amis. In una recente autobiografia romanzata, Inside Story (2020 ...

  2. 9 giu 2008 · Non è possibile visualizzare una descrizione perché il sito non lo consente.

  3. Kingsley Amis won the 1986 Booker for The Old Devils, which is considered by many, including his son and fellow author Martin, to be his masterpiece.

  4. キングズリー・エイミス (Kingsley Amis、 CBE 、 1922年 4月16日 - 1995年 10月22日 )は イギリス の小説家、評論家。. 息子の マーティン・エイミス も小説家。. コリン・ウィルソン 、 ジョン・オズボーン 、ジョン・B・ウェイン、 アラン・シリトー ら、1950年代 ...

  5. Kingsley Amis. Sir Kingsley William Amis (April 16, 1922 – October 22, 1995) was an English poet, academic, novelist, and teacher. Amis was considered an anti-authority revolutionary, as well as one of the "angry young men" of the 1950s (though he denied his participation). In time some came to consider him a reactionary.

  6. 26 apr 2022 · Esta semana el novelista Kingsley Amis, padre del también escritor Martin Amis, bebedor y extremista, habría cumplido 100 años

  7. 17 mag 2018 · Kingsley Amis. Kingsley Amis (1922-1995) became one of Britain's most daring and acclaimed new writers with the 1954 publication of his debut novel, Lucky Jim. Amis went on to write nearly two dozen more novels, as well as scores of other works, including discourses on science fiction, the detective novel, the English language, and even ...