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  1. William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, III duque de Portland ( Nottinghamshire, 14 de abril de 1738-Bulstrode Park, Buckinghamshire, 30 de octubre de 1809) fue un político whig y estadista británico, que ocupó los cargos de rector de la Universidad de Oxford y Primer Ministro del Reino de Gran Bretaña, Reino Unido desde 1801.

  2. Dal matrimonio tra Dorothy e William Cavendish-Bentinck, III duca di Portland nacquero: William Bentinck, IV duca di Portland (24 giugno 1768-27 marzo 1854); Lord William Henry (14 settembre 1774-17 giugno 1839); Lady Charlotte (3 ottobre 1775-28 luglio 1862), sposò Charles Greville, ebbero tre figli; Lady Mary (13 marzo 1779-6 novembre 1843);

  3. William John Arthur Charles James Cavendish-Bentinck, VI duca di Portland , è stato un politico e proprietario terriero inglese.

  4. Dopo le elezioni del 1807 il governo Tory pittita, guidato dal Primo ministro William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, III duca di Portland (che allora sosteneva di essere un Whig), continuò ad impegnarsi nelle guerre napoleoniche.

  5. William Bentinck, Duke of Portland, twice served as Prime Minister: from 2 April to 18 December 1783 and from 31 March 1807 to 4 October 1809. He was born on 14 April 1738, the eldest son and third of six children born to the second Duke of Portland and his wife Margaret Cavendishe Harley. Portland's mother was the heir of the second Earl of ...

  6. PORTLAND, WILLIAM HENRY CAVENDISH BENTINCK, 3rd Duke of (1738–1809), prime minister of England, son of William, 2nd duke (1709–1762), and grandson of the 1st duke. His mother, Margaret, granddaughter and heiress of John Holles, duke of Newcastle, brought to her husband Welbeck Abbey and other estates in Nottinghamshire.

  7. 1. Charles Gordon-Lennox, VII duca di Richmond 12. Charles Greville 24. Fulke Greville 25. Frances Macartney 6. Algernon Greville 13. Charlotte Cavendish-Bentinck 26. William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, III duca di Portland 27. Dorothy Cavendish 3. Frances Harriett Greville 14. Richard Henry Cox 28. Richard Bethell Cox 29. Jane Diana Drummond 7.