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  1. Adolf Meyer (September 13, 1866 – March 17, 1950) was a Swiss-born psychiatrist who rose to prominence as the first psychiatrist-in-chief of the Johns Hopkins Hospital (1910–1941). He was president of the American Psychiatric Association in 1927–28 and was one of the most influential figures in psychiatry in the first half of the twentieth century. [1]

  2. 5 apr 2017 · Todos estos cambios se iban documentando a través de pictografías, pinturas e ilustraciones, hasta que llegó el momento de la fotografía y de esto se encargó Barón Adolph de Meyer, considerado el primer fotógrafo de moda de la historia. Barón Adolph de Meyer, autorretrato. Adolph provenía de una familia acaudala judeo-alemano-escocesa ...

  3. James W. Lomax. Adolf Meyer was an influential Swiss-born American psychiatrist, much of whose teaching has been incorporated into psychiatric theory and practice in the United States, Britain, and other English-speaking nations. When Meyer emigrated to the United States in 1892, he was already exceptionally well.

  4. Meyer, Adolf, su – Enciclopedie on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana. (IT, DE, FR) Adolf Meyer, su, Dizionario storico della Svizzera. (EN) Adolf Meyer, su Enciclopedia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. (EN) Opere di Adolf Meyer, su Open Library, Internet Archive.

  5. International Center of Photography. "Baron Adolf de Meyer," December 10, 1994–February 12, 1995. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Paul Strand and His Contemporaries," February 10–May 31, 1998. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Pictorialism in New York, 1900-1915," February 10–May 31, 1998. Vancouver Art Gallery.

  6. アドルフ・ド・メイヤー(Baron Adolf de Meyer, Baron Adolphe Edward Sigismund de Meyer, 1868年 9月1日 - 1946年 1月6日)は、20世紀初頭のフランスの写真家。 没年については、 1949年 とする文献も存在する(Wikipediaの外国語版の中にも1949年とするものが存在する)。

  7. Adolf de Meyer è stata una di queste, nel panorama di fotografi molto più noti e pubblicizzati. Vissuto tra il XIX e il XX secolo, ha innovato lo stile della foto da ritratto e di moda al punto da essere all'epoca definito come il creatore dell'American Fashion Photography. Visse la sua gioventù tra la Francia e la Germania, e ben presto si ...