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  1. Tycho Brahe entstammte dem bekannten schwedisch-dänischen Adelsgeschlecht Brahe. [1] [2] Seine Eltern waren Otte Thygesen Brahe (1518–1571) und Beate Clausdatter Bille (1526–1602). Sein Vater wurde 1563 Reichsrat. Seine Lehnsmannschaft von Aalborg tauschte er 1567 gegen die Grafschaft Helsingborg ein, von wo aus er im Dreikronenkrieg ...

  2. Sophia was born in Knudsturp, Denmark, in 1556. She was the youngest of 10 children. Her oldest brother was the famous astronomer, Tycho Brahe . Tycho and Sophia were part of a noble Danish family. Their family did not approve of Tycho and Sophia's interest in science. That was not the sort of thing noble people did!

  3. At Sophie Bille Brahe, we are committed to cultivate and preserve a culture of mutual respect, inclusion, and diversity. We are dedicated to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion across our entire organisation. Sophie Bille Brahe has adopted the United Nations Women´s Empowerment (WEP´S) as a part of our commitment to promoting gender ...

  4. The Lord of Uraniborg is a comprehensive biography of Tycho Brahe, father of modern astronomy, famed alchemist and littérateur of the sixteenth-century Danish Renaissance. Written in a lively and engaging style, Victor Thoren's biography offers interesting perspectives on Tycho's life and presents alternative analyses of virtually every aspect of his scientific work.

  5. 15 feb 2021 · Sophie Brahe nacque nel 1559 a Knudstrup, in Scania, nel sud della Svezia, ma allora facente parte della Danimarca, fu la più giovane di dieci figli di Otte Brahe, cavaliere e consigliere del re di Danimarca, e di Beate Bille, discendente da un’altra importante e nobile famiglia danese. Tycho istruì la sorella in orticoltura e chimica, ma ...

  6. Wie? Bitte vereinbaren Sie telefonisch unter der Nummer 015738120659 oder per Mail an einen Termin in den angegebenen Zeitfenstern. Teilen Sie in der Mail bitte mit, ob Sie beabsichtigen Ihr Kind in der Sekundarstufe I (7. Klasse) oder in der Sekundarstufe II (11.Klasse) anmelden möchten.

  7. Sophie Brahe, also known as Sophia Thott, was a Danish horticulturalist and student of astronomy, chemistry, and medicine, best known for assisting her brother Tycho Brahe with his astronomical observations. She was born in Knudsturp, as the youngest of ten children, to Otte Brahe rigsråd, or advisor to the King of Denmark; and Beate Bille ...