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  1. DEVI TANTRA YOGA è la prima scuola italiana di TANTRISMO INDIANO e TANTRA YOGA fondata a Milano nel 2007 da Maya Swati Devi,e segue iprincipi dei lignaggi Sakta e Kaula. La scuola diffonde gli insegnamenti della tradizione attraverso Training annuali, Corsi, percorsi individuali e di gruppo, stage residenziali, viaggi e ritiri di meditazione in India.

  2. Tantric Yoga ist eine spendenbasierte Non-Profit-Organisation. Es ist unser Ziel allen Interessierten traditionelles Yoga zu unterrichten und zu praktizieren. Yoga ist ein uraltes aber dennoch ein zeitgenössisches, wissenschaftliches System mit welchem du dein volles persönliches Potential erschlies­sen kannst.

  3. 22 feb 2022 · Angeleitet wurde die Meditation traditionell vom „Mahan Tantric”, dem Meister des Weißen-Tantra-Yoga. Es gibt immer nur einen „Mahan Tantric” zu jeder Zeit. 1971 ging der Titel an Yogi Bhajan über, als der vorhergehende Meister, der tibetische Lama Lilan Po, verstarb.

  4. tantric yoga in the Sri Vidya tradition. Inner Mountain Institute supports the work of the inner journey by offering tools and techniques, trainings and certifications, support, and mentoring. We see this work as a necessary foundation to heal our relationships with the self, with each other, and with the world around us. Yoga means union:

  5. 1 LEZIONE € 81,00 (2 P.) PERCORSO ONE TO ONE di 5 LEZIONE. Single € 254 (1 P) Coppia € 390,00 (2 P) DURATA LEZIONE: 60 '. COLLEGAMENTO ONLINE: La lezione potrà essere seguita ONLINE con collegamento in diretta tramite ZOOM. DTY TANTRIC YOGA ONLINE ACADEMY. Una Academy ONLINE dedicata allo studio del Tantrismo e Tantra yoga tradizionale ...

  6. Rooted in the ancient science of Tantric Hatha Yoga, Moon Sun Fire is a complete system to cultivate inner peace, clarity, potency and ultimately,Self-mastery. Moon Practice. Calm & Stabilise The Mind. Medicine for the modern mind, Moon practice is a deep, challenging and nourishing Asana practice with longer holds and an emphasis on creating ...

  7. Kundalini Tantric’s yoga practice is relatively slow, which can be satisfying for both you and your partner. This helps in syncing energies that allow your mind, body, and soul to merge, thus helping you build a better and healthier relationship. 3. Boosts sexual energy. Kundalini Tantra Yoga is known to enhance you and your partner’s ...