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  1. William Shakespeare és Anne Hathaway 1582-ben házasodtak össze, amikor Anne már több hónapos terhes volt első gyermekükkel. A házasságot akkoriban szokatlannak tartották, mivel William még csak tizennyolc éves volt, így apja engedélyét kellett megszereznie ahhoz, hogy feleségül vehesse a nála idősebb, 26 éves Anne-t.

  2. 4 dic 2023 · La somiglianza del marito di Anne Hathaway, Adam Shulman, a William Shakespeare è nota al pubblico internazionale da ormai diverso tempo.Nelle numerosissime foto che paragonano i due la ...

  3. Anne Jacqueline Hathaway (født 1982) er en amerikansk skuespiller, sanger og filmprodusent. Barndom og oppvekst [ rediger | rediger kilde ] Hathaway ble født 12. november 1982 i Brooklyn i New York .

  4. Anne Hathaway ( Shottery, 1556- Stratford-upon-Avon, 6 de agosto de 1623) fue la esposa del poeta y dramaturgo británico William Shakespeare. Datos rápidos Información personal, Nacimiento ... Anne Hathaway fue la esposa del poeta y dramaturgo británico William Shakespeare.

  5. 23 apr 2021 · Shakespeare’s will was famously examined by Carol Ann Duffy in her 1999 poem, ‘Anne Hathaway', from her collection The World's Wife. When he died on 23rd April 1616, the playwright left his ‘second best bed…' to his wife . “Item I gyve unto my wife my second best bed with the furniture,” according to the will. Anne Hathaway's Cottage.

  6. 2 mar 2022 · Anne Hathaway groeit op als boerendochter in het dorpje Shottery. Haar vader maakt er een kunst van om zo weinig mogelijk te zeggen. Haar moeder wil altijd vertellen van vroeger, van gisterland. Wanneer Anne zesentwintig is trouwt ze met William Shakespeare, zoon van de handschoenmaker van het naburig stadje Stratford-upon-Avon.

  7. 1 ago 2023 · What did William Shakespeare think of marriage, based on how he wrote about it in his plays and what we know about his union with Anne Hathaway? Folger Shakespeare Library is the world's largest Shakespeare collection, the ultimate resource for exploring Shakespeare and his world. Shakespeare belongs to you. His world is vast.