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  1. English: On 24 November 1995, Hans van den Broek, Member of the EC in charge of External Relations with the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Mongolia, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta and other European Countries, Common Foreign and Security Policy and Human Rights (in agreement with the President) and External Missions; received Djamshed Karimov, Tajik Prime Ministe, at ...

  2. modifier. La princesse Marilène d'Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven-van den Broek (née Marie-Hélène Angela van den Broek le 4 février 1970) est l'épouse du prince Maurits d'Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven, et est ainsi membre de la Maison royale néerlandaise jusqu'à l'accession au trône du roi Willem-Alexander en 2013, le prince Maurits ...

  3. Netherland opens on protagonist Hans van den Broek, a Dutch financial analyst living in London with his English wife Rachel, but quickly flashes back to the years Hans spent in New York City before and in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

  4. English: On 24 November 1995, Hans van den Broek, Member of the EC in charge of External Relations with the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Mongolia, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta and other European Countries, Common Foreign and Security Policy and Human Rights (in agreement with the President) and External Missions; received Djamshed Karimov, Tajik Prime Ministe, at ...

  5. Marilène van den Broek married Prince Maurits in Apeldoorn on 29 May 1998. Princess Marilène and Prince Maurits have three children: Anna, born in 2001, Lucas, born in 2002, and Felicia, born in 2005. The family lives in Amsterdam. Work and posts held. Since September 2017 Princess Marilène has worked for the BankGiro Lottery as Partnerships ...

  6. Henri van den Broek – holenderski polityk i prawnik, deputowany krajowy, minister spraw zagranicznych oraz komisarz europejski . For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Hans van den Broek .

  7. 18 ago 2017 · Hans van den Broek heeft tot zijn twintigste in Gennep gewoond en was van 1980-2015 als arts-radioloog werkzaam in het Elkerliek ziekenhuis in Helmond. Hij geeft al ruim 25 jaar lezingen over de geschiedenis van de geneeskunde. In 2010 heeft hij een tiental artikelen hierover gepubliceerd in medisch specialistische, heemkundige of genealogische ...