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  1. Il fiume Samara è all'origine del nome di una cultura neolitica diffusasi nella regione tra il VI e il V millennio avanti Cristo che si pensa essere parte (per vicinanza geografica) della ipotetica patria originaria protoindoeuropea, da cui si originò la diffusione della famiglia linguistica indoeuropea. [2]

  2. Samara, Russia. Samara ( Russian: Самара) is the ninth largest city in Russia. It is the administrative center of Samara Oblast. About 1,164,685 people live in the city. It is in the southeastern part of European Russia at the confluence of the Volga and Samara Rivers. It is on the east bank of the Volga.

  3. 28,169. Explore Samara. Samara is a transportation and industrial hub, as well as home to one of Russia's top engineering institutions, Samara State Aerospace University, which has helped to pioneer Russia's innovative space program. Visitors can sample some of Samara's most important products: vodka, chocolate and beer.

  4. › wiki › SamaraSamara – Wikipedia

    Samara ( russisch Сама́ра; 1935–1990 Kuibyschew ( Куйбышев )) ist eine Industriestadt im Südosten des europäischen Teils Russlands, am Ostufer der Wolga gelegen. Sie hatte 2010 1.164.685 Einwohner (Stand 14. Oktober 2010) [1]. Zurzeit ist sie nach den Fortschreibungen der Einwohnerzahlen die neuntgrößte Stadt Russlands.

  5. Samara ( Russisch: Сама́ра)is een miljoenenstad in Europees Rusland. De stad ligt een kleine duizend kilometer ten oosten van Moskou, op de plek waar de rivier de Samara in de Wolga stroomt, die hier de Boog van Samara vormt. Het is de hoofdstad van de gelijknamige oblast (provincie) Samara en heeft ruim 1,1 miljoen inwoners, waarmee ...

  6. Alba, tramonto, durata del giorno e ora solare per Samara. Alba: 06:36. Tramonto: 18:56. Durata del giorno: 12h 20m. Mezzogiorno solare: 12:46. L'ora locale in Samara Samara è 46 minuti avanti rispetto l'ora solare.

  7. Samara [1] ( Russice Самара) est urbs Russiae, metropolis regionis Samarensis. Sita est ad Rham fluvium (cuius aequor hic receptaculo aquae Saratoviensi elevatum est), inter ostia fluminum Samarae et Su, contra Versuram Samarensem [2]. Circa 1170 milia incolarum habet (anno 2017 ).