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  1. 4 giorni fa · Winnaretta Singer, mon arrière-grand-tante, est née aux États-Unis à Yonkers, dans le nord de New York City, le 8 janvier 1865. Une enfance anglo-saxonne Très vite après sa naissance, ses parents viennent à Paris où ils résident jusqu’à la guerre franco-allemande de 1870.

  2. 4 giorni fa · Winnaretta Eugénie Singer naquit à Yonker (New York), le 8 janvier 1865. Son père était Isaac Merritt Singer, l’industriel américain qui perfectionna la machine à coudre. Il épousa une très jeune Française, Isabelle Eugénie Boyer. Winnaretta était la vingtième des vingt-cinq enfants qu’Isaac Singer eut au cours de sa vie.

  3. 4 giorni fa · L'utilisation de l'hôtel au temps de la Fondation Singer-Polignac. Après la mort en 1943 à Londres de Winnaretta Singer, la Fondation s’installe dans l’hôtel et le pavillon, dont seuls les murs lui ont été légués. A partir de 1985, d’importants travaux de restauration et de décoration sont mis en œuvre par Édouard Bonnefous ...

  4. 20 giu 2024 · Drink & Think Venice: a pleasing connection between Winnaretta Singer de Polignac and Peggy Guggenheim. June 15, 2024; VENETIAN CATS (FROM ‘THE VENICE LIDO’) BY ROBIN SAIKIA June 15, 2024; Baldassare Longhena and the Salute, Venice (from Drink & Think Venice) June 15, 2024; Sottovento – super bar in Murano celebrated in my book Drink ...

  5. 15 giu 2024 · Drink & Think Venice: a pleasing connection between Winnaretta Singer de Polignac and Peggy Guggenheim. June 15, 2024; VENETIAN CATS (FROM ‘THE VENICE LIDO’) BY ROBIN SAIKIA June 15, 2024; Baldassare Longhena and the Salute, Venice (from Drink & Think Venice) June 15, 2024; Sottovento – super bar in Murano celebrated in my book Drink ...

  6. 9 giu 2024 · Behind, was the starred blaze of the lace-like Piazzetta streaked by the Columns of Mark and Theodore, reflected in the silent sea. Before, was the white wide silvery sheen of the south lagoon, buttoned with black islets, La Grazia, Sanclemente, Saccasessoja, Santospirito, Poveglia, Santangelo in Polvere, Sazorzi in Alga, and the various pirogues of the finance.…

  7. 10 giu 2024 · Drink & Think Venice: a pleasing connection between Winnaretta Singer de Polignac and Peggy Guggenheim. June 15, 2024; VENETIAN CATS (FROM ‘THE VENICE LIDO’) BY ROBIN SAIKIA June 15, 2024; Baldassare Longhena and the Salute, Venice (from Drink & Think Venice) June 15, 2024; Sottovento – super bar in Murano celebrated in my book Drink ...