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  1. 18 giu 2024 · If you’re sick of feeling like you can’t do it all, this one’s for you!

  2. Around here, we expect things to be so hard all the time, and when it isn't, we immediately start wondering what we're doing wrong. Well, today I'm sharing a recent realisation I've had, that's been quite a game changer! 

  3. 10 giu 2024 · Today we're kicking off the week in a rebellious fashion and looking at the week from a different angle!

  4. 11 giu 2024 · We’ve discussed before here on The Daily Pep! the idea of fluffy days, maintenance mode, and beast mode. But what if there was an extra, more compassionate option?

  5. Around here we’re big fans of notebooks. But with that love can come so much pressure to keep them safe and perfect. (Such a metaphor for life!) So today we’re embracing tatty notebooks and the imperfect joys that come with them.

  6. If, like me, you're embarking on something new or going through a period of change, then listen up - this one's for us!

  7. For today's episode of The Daily Pep! I'm sharing a practical tip that will help bring some more joy into our lives.