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  1. 3 giorni fa · Disjointed is a TV show that features a talented ensemble cast. The main characters include Ruth, played by Kathy Bates, Olivia, played by Elizabeth Alderfer, Pete, played by Douglas Baldwin, Carter, played by Tone Bell, Dank, played by Chris Redd, Jenny, played by Elizabeth Ho, Dabby, played by Betsy Sodaro, and Maria, played by Nicole Sullivan.

  2. 10 mag 2024 · In a recent interview on the Dr. Phil show, Academy Award-winning actress Kathy Bates opened up about her battle with cancer and the challenges she faced in silence. Despite her fame, Bates found herself playing the role of a courageous fighter in a real-life drama, fighting cancer not just once, but twice. In 2012, she revealed that she had ...

  3. 20 mag 2024 · In a recent interview on the Dr. Phil show, Academy Award-winning actress Kathy Bates opened up about her battle with cancer and the challenges she faced in silence. Despite her fame, Bates found herself playing the role of a courageous fighter in a real-life drama, fighting cancer not just once, but twice. In 2012, she revealed that she had ...

  4. 21 mag 2024 · Kathy Bates, an actress who has won an Oscar, recently talked on the Dr. Phil show about her fight with cancer and the hard things she had to go through in silence. Even though Bates was famous, she had to play a brave fighter in a real-life story. She had to fight cancer twice.

  5. 10 mag 2024 · La fausse nouvelle du décès de l'actrice célèbre pour ses rôles dans Titanic ou encore Misery, annoncée jeudi après-midi sur Twitter a provoqué un emballement médiatique sans précédent. Pas de panique, à 75 ans Kathy Bates est toujours vivante et bien portante. Depuis jeudi (9 mai), une rumeur lancée sur Twitter, concernant une ...

  6. 7 mag 2024 · Die Geschichten von Hollywood-Stars, die gesundheitliche Probleme haben, erinnern daran, dass sie mit uns allen die gleiche Menschlichkeit teilen. Während eines aktuellen Interviews mit Dr. Phil Show sprach die Oscar-prämierte Schauspielerin Kathy Bates aufrichtig über ihren Weg durch den Krebs und die stillen Kämpfe, unter denen sie litt. Trotz seines Ruhms wurde Bates in einer […]