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  1. 22 giu 2024 · Label. Description. Also known as. English. Zénaïde Bonaparte. French noble (1801-1854) Princesse de Canino Zénaïde Charlotte Julie Bonaparte. Zenaïde Charlotte Julie Bonaparte. Zénaïde Charlotte Julie, Princesse de Canino Bonaparte.

  2. La sala. La decorazione ad affresco della sala, riportata alla luce e restaurata in tempi recenti, offre una testimonianza di quel gusto neogotico che ebbe particolare fortuna intorno al 1830-40. Sono anni centrali anche per le vicende di Zenaide e Carlotta, figlie di Giuseppe Bonaparte e di Giulia Clary, alle quali la sala è dedicata.

  3. Carlotta Napoleona Bonaparte, contessa de Survilliers, di Johann Ender, 1854. Dopo che fu deposto, nel 1817 suo padre si trasferì in America e acquistò "Point Breeze", una tenuta sul fiume Delaware vicino Bordentown nel New Jersey. La villa ospitava una collezione di dipinti e sculture di artisti rinomati, come Jacques-Louis David, Antonio ...

  4. The elder Zénaïde appears worldly and elegant in a low-cut black velvet dress. Sitting upright, she looks frankly out at the viewer as she protects her younger sister, Charlotte. Charlotte appears timid and reticent as she shyly raises her eyes, and her dress, a modest gray-blue silk, suits her demeanor. The exiled princesses both wear tiaras ...

  5. The elder Zénaïde appears worldly and elegant in a low-cut black velvet dress. Sitting upright, she looks frankly out at the viewer as she protects her younger sister, Charlotte. Charlotte appears timid and reticent as she shyly raises her eyes, and her dress, a modest gray-blue silk, suits her demeanor. The exiled princesses both wear tiaras ...

  6. Zénaïde Laetitia Julie Bonaparte, Princess of Canino and Musignano (8 July 1801 – 8 August 1854) was the elder daughter of Joseph Bonaparte and Julie Clary, and the wife of Charles Lucien Bonaparte, who was also her cousin. She joined her father in exile for several years in Bordentown, New Jersey.

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