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  1. 私たちは、450年の歴史を誇るハロウスクールを規範とし、古くから受け継がれてきた「勇気」「名誉」「謙虚」「友情」と いうハロウの四つの価値観を教育の中心に据えています。. 私たちは、この四つの価値観が全人教育の基盤であり、学校 を成功へと ...

  2. Harrow School in the UK, is one of the world’s most respected private educational institutions. Founded in 1572 under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I, it has a well-deserved reputation for academic excellence, the ‘House System’ and outstanding holistic education. Amongst the school’s alumni are some of the most influential ...

  3. Boarding. Harrow’s 830 boys each live in one of 12 Houses. The Houses each have a unique character, with their own gardens and facilities, and they inspire fierce loyalty from the boys and from old boys. While appreciating the different characters of the Houses, we ensure that each has a diverse range of boys in terms of their talents ...

  4. If those words mean anything to you, you might have a connection to Harrow School, arguably one of the most famous boy’s schools in the country. Stet Fortuna Domus is Latin for ‘let the fortune of the house stand,’ while the second section is Latin for ‘the faithful dispensation of the gifts of God.’ Quite a message to live by.

  5. 哈罗国际学校 . 哈罗国际学校深耕亚洲已逾20年,致力为1.5岁至18岁学生提供全日制及寄宿制高端英式教育。. 不同年龄段、来自不同国家的学生,共同构筑了哈罗国际学校多元化的学习环境。. 而无论学生的年龄与国籍如何,哈罗的四大价值理念——勇气、荣誉 ...

  6. Harrow’s outgoing Fifth Form achieved the best GCSE results in the School’s history, with 64.5% of grades at 9, 8 or A*. 98% of entries used numerical grades, with 39.2% of these graded 9 – the highest possible outcome, achieved by 4.5% of entries nationally in 2018. The percentage of grades 4 or higher was.

  7. Harrow International School Bengaluru is proud to bring the traditions and excellence of Harrow School in the UK to India. Harrow School is one of the world’s most respected schools. It was founded in 1572 under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I. Over the following 450 years, it has developed a well-deserved reputation for academic ...