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  1. Shock Treatment is a 1981 American musical comedy film directed by Jim Sharman, and co-written by Sharman and Richard O'Brien. It is a follow-up to the 1975 film The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

  2. Shock. Lo shock è uno stato di ipoperfusione d'organo con conseguente disfunzione e morte cellulare. I meccanismi possono coinvolgere la riduzione del volume circolante, della gittata cardiaca e la vasodilatazione, a volte con l'esclusione del letto capillare dalla perfusione ematica.

  3. Electroconvulsive therapy ( ECT) or electroshock therapy ( EST) is a psychiatric treatment where a generalized seizure (without muscular convulsions) is electrically induced to manage refractory mental disorders. [1] .

  4. Treatment. Shock is a state of organ hypoperfusion with resultant cellular dysfunction and death. Mechanisms may involve decreased circulating volume, decreased cardiac output, and vasodilation, sometimes with shunting of blood to bypass capillary exchange beds. Symptoms include altered mental status, tachycardia, hypotension, and oliguria.

  5. 12 feb 2024 · Shock therapy, known as electroconvulsive therapy, is used for major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and other psychiatric conditions. Learn how to prepare for treatment, the potential benefits, and risks.

  6. Trattamento. Lo shock è una condizione potenzialmente letale in cui l’apporto di ossigeno agli organi è scarso, con conseguenti danni d’organo e a volte il decesso. In genere la pressione arteriosa è bassa. (Vedere anche Ipotensione.)

  7. 31 ott 2013 · Initial Assessment of Shock States. Differential Diagnosis. Septic shock, a form of distributive shock, is the most common form of shock among patients in the ICU, followed by cardiogenic and...