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  1. 19 giu 2024 · Achmat Kadyrov byl pro Moskvu ideální volba. Do funkce muftího nastoupil jako duchovní vůdce separatistů a pokud by přešel na stranu Kremlu, pomohl by na severním Kavkaze uhasit požár džihádu přiživovaného penězi ze Saúdské Arábie.

  2. 22 giu 2024 · Čečenský vůdce Ramzan Kadyrov je jedním z nejviditelnějších, ale i nejzvláštnějších mužů Vladimira Putina. Však i celé Čečensko je v kontextu Ruské federace zvláštním územím. Separatistická válka vynesla k moci Putina, vyřešil ji právě spoluprací s Kadyrovem a jeho otcem Achmatem.

  3. 2 giorni fa · Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov (born 5 October 1976) is a Russian politician and current Head of the Chechen Republic. He was formerly affiliated with the Chechen independence movement, through his father who was the separatist-appointed mufti of Chechnya. He is a colonel general in the Russian military.

  4. 10 giu 2024 · Kadyrov, che guida la regione del Caucaso meridionale come lealista del Cremlino dal 2007, ha affermato che l’unità Akhmat-Cecenia ha guidato le truppe russe nel prendere il controllo della...

  5. 10 giu 2024 · Ramzan Kadyrov pubblica un post 'imprudente' e 21 soldati russi vengono uccisi dalle forze armate dell'Ucraina.

  6. 16 giu 2024 · Ramzan Kadyrov, the authoritarian leader of Chechnya, has taken an aggressive stance toward Ukraine since Russia invaded the country in February 2022.

  7. 12 giu 2024 · Son of the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov 18-year-old Akhmat Kadyrov took the post of Minister of the Republic for Youth Affairs, and also received the highest republican award – the Order of Kadyrov, said the Chairman of the Chechen Parliament Magomed Daudov in telegram channel.