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  1. 3 giorni fa · L'Eurofighter Typhoon, il cui prototipo era designato EFA (European Fighter Aircraft), è un aeroplano militare multiruolo (Swing Role) di quarta generazione avanzata, bimotore, con ruolo primario di caccia intercettore e da superiorità aerea.

  2. 4 giorni fa · Der Eurofighter Typhoon ist ein zweistrahliges Mehrzweckkampfflugzeug in Canard-Delta-Konfiguration, das von der Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH, einem Konsortium aus Airbus, BAE Systems und Leonardo, gebaut wird.

  3. 4 giorni fa · The Typhoon was designed originally as an air-superiority fighter and is manufactured by a consortium of Airbus, BAE Systems and Leonardo that conducts the majority of the project through a joint holding company, Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH.

  4. 27 giu 2024 · The Eurofighter Typhoon (aeronautical nomenclature F-2000A) is the most advanced combat aircraft developed in Europe, capable of offering broad operational capabilities and unparalleled effectiveness in the field of air defence.

  5. 4 giorni fa · L’Eurofighter Typhoon, tecnicamente chiamato F-2000A, è un caccia di generazione 4.5, prodotto da una coalizione multinazionale, di cui fa parte l’Italia, e con una marcata sfumatura europeista.

  6. 5 giorni fa · Die Rafale ( französisch für Böe oder Windstoß [2] [3]) ist ein zweistrahliges Mehrzweckkampfflugzeug des französischen Herstellers Dassault Aviation. Es wurde fast vollständig im nationalen Alleingang entwickelt, nachdem Frankreich aus dem Eurofighter -Konsortium ausgestiegen war.

  7. 3 giorni fa · The eurofighter typhoon provides the operators with a multi-role combat aircraft, capable of being deployed in the full spectrum of air operations, from air policing, to peace support, through to high intensity conflict.