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  1. Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776–1841) è stato un filosofo e pedagogista tedesco, il cui contributo ha influenzato profondamente il pensiero educativo. Herbart è spesso considerato uno dei padri della pedagogia moderna, soprattutto per la sua visione dell’insegnamento come scienza.

  2. 22 ago 2024 · Johann Friedrich Herbart was a German philosopher who made major contributions toward the development of educational pedagogy. His early thoughts on education were influenced by the home-schooling experiences and the impact of his mother on his life as the first teacher.

  3. 3 giorni fa · Johann Friedrich Herbart fue un influyente filósofo, psicólogo y pedagogo alemán, conocido por su enfoque sistemático para el estudio de la mente y el aprendizaje. Nacido el 4 de mayo de 1776 en Oldenburg, Alemania, Herbart sentó las bases de la psicología como una disciplina científica, aplicando principios matemáticos y empíricos a los procesos mentales.

  4. 4 giorni fa · Herbart. Johann Friedrich Herbart was a contemporary of Froebel and other German Romanticists, but he can hardly be put into the ranks of such pedagogues.

  5. 5 set 2024 · Johann Friedrich Herbart. Zu hohen geisteswissenschaftlichen Ehren gelangte Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776 bis 1841), der über den deutschen Sprachraum hinaus als Klassiker der Pädagogik gilt.

  6. 3 set 2024 · Keywords: aesthetics formalism Johann Friedrich Herbart. Similar publications. Preface: Data-Driven Formalism. Orekhov B., Fischer F., Akimova M., Journal of Literary Theory 2019 Vol. 13 No. 1 P. 1-12.

  7. 2 set 2024 · From a historical perspective, it is striking that the concept of pedagogical tact, first introduced by Johann Friedrich Herbart at the beginning of the 19th century, continues to receive varying degrees of attention in educational discourses (cf. Burghardt and Zirfas 2018, 8–11).