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  1. Sir William George Granville Venables Vernon Harcourt, KC (14 October 1827 – 1 October 1904) was a British lawyer, journalist and Liberal statesman. He was Member of Parliament for Oxford, Derby then West Monmouthshire and held the offices of Home Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer under William Ewart Gladstone before becoming Leader ...

  2. William Vernon Harcourt. William Vernon Harcourt FRS (1789-1871) By David Rowe. I first came across the name Vernon Harcourt in physics at school in the 1930s in connection with the Vernon Harcourt pentane lamp, a standard of optical luminosity.

  3. Rev. William Venables-Vernon Harcourt (1789 – April 1871) was an English cleric, founder of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, canon residentiary of the York Cathedral, and later rector of Bolton Percy.

  4. Uomo politico britannico, nato a York il 14 ottobre 1827, morto a Nuneham (Oxford) il 30 settembre 1904. Si laureò a Cambridge nel 1851, e divenne avvocato a Londra nel 1854. Esercitò la professione, collaborò a varî giornali e partecipò alla lotta politica come liberale. Fu eletto deputato a Oxford nel 1868, poi a Derby e infine nel Monmouthshire.

  5. I suoi studî sulle proprietà dei vetri d'ottica furono di fondamentale importanza per lo sviluppo della costruzione di apparecchi e strumenti ottici; pur non disponendo di grandi attrezzature e di adeguati finanziamenti, riuscì, nel corso dei suoi ventennali esperimenti, a ottenere vetri al titanio e al boro quasi esenti da difetti.

  6. William George Granville Venables Vernon Harcourt was born at York on 14 October 1827, of a land-owning and clerical family which traced its ancestry to the Plantagenet kings. His elder brother, Edward Harcourt, was a staunch Conservative and for eight years an MP.

  7. Sir William Vernon Harcourt. (1827-1904), Lawyer, journalist and Liberal politician; MP for Oxford and Derby, Chancellor of the Exchequer and leader of the British Liberal Party. Sitter in 54 portraits.