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  1. 25 giu 2024 · Gorbachev’s nominee was Aleksandr Yakovlev, who became secretary for propaganda and overseer of the media. His task was to expand glasnost (“openness”) and protect creative writers and journalists against Ligachev’s ire. Gorbachev managed to make Yakovlev a full member of the Politburo by June 1987.

  2. 19 giu 2024 · Giugno 19, 2024 Notizie Alexander Yakovlev. Si informa che lo studio osserverà un periodo di chiusura dall’1 al 14 luglio. Navigazione articoli.

  3. 9 giu 2024 · di Nikita Mikhalkov - Quando un treno carico d'oro diretto a Mosca per finanziare l'acquisto di grano viene assaltato da un gruppo di banditi, un giovane rivoluzionario ingiustamente accusato di essere una spia dovrà dimostrare la propria innocenza... Il lungometraggio d'esordio per Mikhalkov avviene nel segno del western, anche se la vicenda è ambientata subito dopo la rivoluzione d'ottobre ...

  4. 1 giorno fa · There, he met and befriended the Soviet ambassador, Aleksandr Yakovlev, who later became a key political ally. [140] In February 1984, Andropov died; on his deathbed he indicated his desire that Gorbachev succeed him. [141]

  5. 16 ore fa · Alexander Yakovlev ist Absolvent des Staatlichen Konservatoriums Rostow, wo er auch ein Postgraduiertenstudium absolvierte und Komposition studierte. Anschließend studierte er am Salzburger Mozarteum und in Berlin an der Universität der Künste.

  6. 17 giu 2024 · impressions of Aleksandr Yakovlev, an in- fluential Gorbachev adviser who was as skeptical of Reagan at the end of the Gene- va summit [in 19851 as he had been at the beginning. He thought Reagan was play- ing a role like an actor. At Reykjavik the following year, Yakovlev changed his mind.

  7. 21 giu 2024 · Aleksandr Yakovlev. Anzahl Sprechrollen: 3. Sortierreihenfolge. Filter. Filme. von Lutz Riedel (als Sors ) in Velvet Revolution (2005) von Bodo Wolf (als Trenchcoat-Killer ) in Alle meine Väter (1998) von Hasso Billerbeck (als Sven Boll ) in Aquanauten (1979) Werbung.