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  1. 7 giu 2024 · My hardest job but not the worst. I was hired as a waiter for a restaurant in 2004 or so, and it got super slow over the summer and instead of giving me waiting shifts, they gave me cleaning shifts because I didn't have seniority, so they started booking me for these 7-9am cleaning shifts.

  2. 30 mag 2024 · My worst job was much later in my career, after I had worked in financial publishing for years and had multi-millions worth of billing under my belt.

  3. 2 giorni fa · According to a recent survey by Forbes magazine, what was voted the worst job in the UK? Was it: a) a call centre worker? b) a bartender? or, c) a traffic warden?

  4. 8 giu 2024 · What is the worst job you’ve had? We’ve all had at least one bad job, thanks to a bad boss, bad pay, or responsibilities that no one wants to do. But I bet there’s one that stands out as the worst. There are a lot of dangerous and unpleasant jobs out there, each with pros and cons.

  5. 13 giu 2024 · My absolute worst job was working the night shift at a Brown Derby restaurant in the kitchen. My job was to take care of the salad bar, make desserts and make appetizers. Shrimp cocktail and shucked raw oysters were very popular.

  6. 13 giu 2024 · My last job was my worst job. I worked for an insurance company (remember back to 2008 and the one that almost brought down the country). Anyway, every minute of every day had to be accounted for on a spreadsheet.

  7. 13 giu 2024 · My worst job was PA to a sales manager for a plastic sack manufacturer. Please share your memories however gruesome.