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  1. 20 giu 2024 · W HEN VLADIMIR PUTIN invaded Ukraine in 2022, many Western observers thought it a temporary regional crisis that ultimately would settle into a frozen conflict.

  2. 5 lug 2024 · Vladimir Putin e Viktor Orban hanno terminato il loro colloquio al Cremlino. Il presidente ungherese è volato questa mattina a Mosca per discutere della guerra in Ucraina direttamente con il ...

  3. 5 lug 2024 · Putin ha ribadito di essere pronto a discutere i modi diplomatici per risolvere il conflitto, ma alle proprie condizioni: una su tutte il completo ritiro delle truppe ucraine dal Donbass e dalle...

  4. 22 ore fa · This is the Republican party in 2024. Two years after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, as Russia continues to kill civilians, seize land, and threaten Europe, the GOP has opened its convention with an emphatic message. To American isolationists—and to the Kremlin—the signal is: We are your party. Share The Bulwark.

  5. 5 giorni fa · Joe Biden ha introdotto il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky come Vladimir Putin sul palco di una cerimonia della Nato, per poi correggersi subito dopo.

  6. 20 giu 2024 · The only way to avoid a geopolitical future shaped by rising insecurity and resurgent imperialism is by ensuring Russia loses in Ukraine. Putin’s recent bogus peace proposal is essentially a call for Kyiv’s capitulation and the absorption of Ukraine into a new Russian Empire.

  7. 6 lug 2024 · After early setbacks in Ukraine, Putin said Moscow was prepared to use “all means” to protect Russian territory, fueling fears he could turn to tactical nuclear weapons to halt Kyiv’s advances.