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  1. 2 giorni fa · Other important figures in its history include Franz Brentano, the logical positivists (particularly Rudolf Carnap), the ordinary language philosophers, W. V. O. Quine, and Karl Popper. After the decline of logical positivism, Saul Kripke, David Lewis, and others led a revival in metaphysics.

  2. 18 giu 2024 · The group of philosophers that gathered around Schlick at Vienna included Rudolf Carnap and Otto Neurath and the mathematicians and scientists Kurt Gödel, Philipp Frank, and Hans Hahn.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  3. 1 giorno fa · A paradox can also be defined as an argument in which, starting from the same premise, and following two methods of reasoning that are consequently logical (that is, that are deduced by a series of logical steps), one can reach contradictory conclusionsThis definition is the one adopted by the philosopher and mathematician Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970) in his book Meaning and Need.

  4. 4 giorni fa · Simone Bachechi Nato nella campagna toscana fra campi di mais, zucchine, melanzane e carote e aie piene di galline oche e anatre, pensai di trasferirmi a Firenze per studiare filosofia teoretica passando gran parte della mia gioventù su testi di Rudolf Carnap, Saul Kripke, Ludwig Wittgenstein, il circolo di Vienna e altre amenità di questo genere: quando si dice due braccia rubate all ...

  5. 4 giorni fa · Rudolf Carnap was also influenced by Husserl, not only concerning Husserl's notion of essential insight that Carnap used in his Der Raum, but also his notion of "formation rules" and "transformation rules" is founded on Husserl's philosophy of logic.

  6. › wiki › IdealismIdealism - Wikipedia

    2 giorni fa · Neo-Kantianism influenced the work of the Vienna circle and its ambassadors to the Anglophone world, Rudolf Carnap 1891–1970) and Hans Reichenbach. Charles Bernard Renouvier was the first philosopher in France to formulate a system based on Kant's critical idealism, which he termed Neo-criticism (néo-criticisme).

  7. 3 giorni fa · Logical positivism - the verification principle. The Vienna Circle. e.g. Moritz Schlick, Rudolf Carnap. Click the card to flip it 👆. A group of philosophers known as logical positivists who rejected claims that moral truth can be verified as objectively true.