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  1. 25 giu 2024 · One wag said his parents were the pioneers of the high-hyphenated name! What it certainly implies is that Tubal-cain was an historical figure who was wonderfully blessed with creative gifts and talents in relation to brass and iron which over time grew into a wide variety of artefacts and industry in which we are still beneficiaries.

  2. 24 giu 2024 · Tubal-cain . What is said about Tubal-cain? “An instructor of every artificer in brass and iron.” Genesis 4 verse 22. There are a whole range of ideas as to what extent this might refer. I rather like the idea put forward by a number of writers that Tubal-cain was. e) the father of teaching. f) the father of brass instrumentation

  3. 19 giu 2024 · Tubal-Cain (“Tubalcain” in the KJV) is the name of a pre-flood descendant of Cain. Tubal-Cain was the son of Lamech and Zillah. His half-brothers were Jubal and Jabal; his sister’s name was Naamah.

  4. 6 giorni fa · On the whole, the Bible is content to accept the world as God’s creation and has little to say directly about the coming technological world. It is reported at the outset that Tubal-cain, a descendent of Cain, is noted as a maker of bronze and iron tools (Genesis 4:22). And Job 28 reflects on the futility of mining as a way to “dig up ...

  5. 5 giorni fa · 22 As for Zillah, she also gave birth to Tubal-cain, the forger of all implements of bronze and iron; and the sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah. 23 Lamech said to his wives, “Adah and Zillah, Listen to my voice, You wives of Lamech, Pay attention to my words, For I have killed a man for wounding me; And a boy for striking me!

  6. 5 giorni fa · I am exploring in 10 articles, initially the line of Cain: Lamech, Jabal, Jubal, Tubal-cain and a daughter, Naamah. To provide some background to the first of these, Lamech. Lamech's father was Methusael, who was the fourth generation from Cain.

  7. 5 giu 2024 · The genealogy ends with Lamech's age, significantly being 777, reminding us of God's kingdom mission moving forward despite Cain's communal anti-Christ development projects. Follow the Messiah/anti-Messiah lines of Cain and Seth. Discover and examine connections with both the Genesis beginning and future Messiah.