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  1. 5 giorni fa · The film chronicles the life of a working-class Ulster Protestant family from the perspective of their nine-year-old son Buddy during The Troubles in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Buddy's father Pa works overseas in England, while the family—Ma, elder brother Will, and paternal grandparents Granny and Pop—live in Belfast.

  2. 1 giorno fa · 5. Il grande uno rosso (1980) 4. Il giorno più lungo (1962) 3. Dove osano le aquile (1968) 2. Patton, generale d'acciaio (1970) primo posto: Salvate il soldato Ryan (1998)

  3. 6 giorni fa · The Belfast Film Festival is Northern Ireland’s largest film festival with an annual audience in excess of 25,000. Film as an experience is at the festival’s core, from site specific screenings to moving image art exhibits.

  4. 5 giorni fa · Voir le film Belfast de Kenneth Branagh en streaming et VOD ou téléchargement sur UniversCiné.

  5. 3 giorni fa · Capturing a year in the life of a rural, lakeside community in late 1970s Ireland, That They May Face The Rising Sun is a sensitive and beautifully realised adaptation of the last novel by John McGahern.

  6. 6 giorni fa · A DOCUDRAMA about the lives of residents in the New Lodge flats is set to open the fifth Docs Ireland film festival in June. Fresh from winning the prestigious main Dox:Award at the CPH:DOX festival in Copenhagen – one of the largest documentary film festivals in Europe – Alessandra Celesia’s film The Flats follows four people from the New Lodge in North Belfast as they revisit the ...

  7. 1 giorno fa · Si chiude, con un’intensa settimana di proiezioni, l’anno scolastico del Polo Fermi Giorgi di Lucca.Dal 3 al 7 giugno, le classi dell’istituto si sono recate al cinema Moderno per assistere alla visione del film Io capitano di Matteo Garrone, nell’ambito del progetto “Oltre l’aula”, curato dalla professoressa Dora Bertolacci, una preziosa iniziativa che da dieci anni avvicina gli ...