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  1. 5 giu 2024 · Lady Pickpoket aggredita da due borseggiatrici a Venezia - La Nuova Venezia. Monica Poli ha individuato due volti noti in zona piazzale Roma ma le ladre hanno reagito: prima le hanno spruzzato lo spray al peperoncino in viso, poi l’hanno presa a pugni e graffi. La donna è finita al Pronto soccorso. Giacomo Costa.

  2. I swear I have seen a ton of vids of this girl specifically getting caught trying to pickpocket.

  3. 4 giu 2024 · Borseggi a Venezia: Monica Poli, conosciuta anche come “Lady Pickpocket”, ha dovuto ricorrere alle cure del pronto soccorso dell’Ospedale Civile di Venezia. Tutto è avvenuto nel tardo pomeriggio di martedì 4 giugno 2024, a Piazzale Roma.

  4. 11 giu 2024 · There is no specific look for a pickpocket in Italy. They can be of any gender, age, or appearance. The key characteristic of a pickpocket is their ability to act as an opportunist and have the necessary skills to avoid suspicion.

    • Regina Wright
  5. Is there any chance of getting pickpocket at the airport or at the train station. How can I still be secure with a backpack and a luggage at the airport, train stations and taxis?? Please tips I am so worried!!

  6. 15 giu 2024 · When it comes to pickpocketing, four cities in Italy stand out: Naples, Rome, Florence, and Milan. These cities are known for having a higher incidence of pickpocketing compared to other cities in Italy. In fact, Naples and Rome are often mentioned in the same breath as Barcelona and Madrid as the pickpocket capitals of the world.

  7. 2 giu 2024 · Choose a bag that is difficult to open or pickpocket, such as a sling bag or a backpack with a secure closure. Avoid carrying large, open-top bags that make it easy for pickpockets to reach inside. If you are using a backpack, wear it in front of you, where you can keep an eye on it.