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  1. At the undergraduate level, the Department of Italian Studies has two distinct missions: to provide instruction in the Italian language at all levels of competence, and to lead students to a broad appreciation and deep understanding of the literature and culture of Italy.

  2. L'Università Yale (in inglese: Yale University) è un'università privata situata a New Haven, nel Connecticut. È la terza più antica istituzione di istruzione superiore negli Stati Uniti d'America ed uno dei nove college coloniali istituiti prima del 1776.

  3. Dalle serrature intelligenti agli allarmi, dalle telecamere agli spioncini elettronici, dai lucchetti alle casseforti: la gamma Yale ha tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno. Proteggi la tua casa in modo intelligente con Yale Home

  4. 16 mag 2024 · Nonostante le opportunità offerte da ununiversità di fama mondiale come Yale, Nicola ha scelto di tornare a casa: il desiderio di restituire allItalia quanto ha ricevuto lo ha spinto a tornare a Milano, dove inizierà a lavorare come consulente strategico per la Boston Consulting Group.

  5. Our graduate students fully participate in the Department’s life through initiatives such as graduate conferences, a Diversity in Italian Studies lecture series, an annual Italian Film Festival, and informal gatherings organized by the Italian Society at Yale. combined degree programs.

  6. Major Roadmap for Italian Studies. NEW! Combined BA/MA Program in Italian. Yale allows students to complete simultaneously the BA and MA degrees in the same department in four years, provided the student meets certain requirements. Official Yale College program information is available online at the Yale College Programs of Study site.

  7. The NACC supports the success of future Native American leaders through recruitment, encouragement, mentoring, service, and the fostering of a community. Since its founding in 1701, Yale University has been dedicated to expanding and sharing knowledge, inspiring innovation, and preserving cultural and scientific information for future generations.