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  1. 15 lug 2024 · Gregg L. Semenza The role of hypoxiainducible factors in carotid body (patho) physiology Heterozygous HIF‐1α deficiency impairs carotid body‐mediated systemic responses and reactive oxygen species generation in mice exposed to intermittent hypoxia

  2. 2 giorni fa · Gregg L Semenza discovered that HIF-1α can promote the growth of KIRC by enhancing the Warburg effect. Simultaneously, studies indicate that inhibiting MAPK in KIRC can disrupt the expression of the HIF-1α gene, emphasizing the crucial role of MAPK in HIF-1α expression [ 13 ].

  3. 1 lug 2024 · The origin of immune cells that return after ART. As combinations of medications termed antiretroviral treatment (or therapy) (ART) began to be used to treat HIV-1 infection in the mid-1990s, patients began showing rises in CD4 +, CD45RO + memory T cells.

  4. 16 lug 2024 · 16.07.24 - Redazione Italia. (Foto di Andrea Mancuso) Un appello per un cessate il fuoco immediato tra Russia e Ucraina e nella Striscia di Gaza è stato lanciato da 51 premi Nobel di diversi Paesi e pubblicato sulla testata russa d’inchiesta Novaya Gazeta, diretta dal Premio Nobel per la Pace Dmitri Muratov. A Sua Santità Papa Francesco,

  5. 5 giorni fa · Oct. 7, 2019 — The 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is being awarded jointly to William G. Kaelin Jr., Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe and Gregg L. Semenza for identifying molecular...

  6. 6 giorni fa · October 7, 2019 - William G. Kaelin Jr (VS, rechts), Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe (VK, midden) en Gregg L. Semenza (VS, links) delen samen de Nobelprijs voor hun ontdekking, hoe cellen reageren op variërende zuurstofniveau’s in het lichaam.

  7. 16 lug 2024 · Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominantly inherited tumor syndrome. The disease usually manifests in young adulthood and predisposes affected patients to the development of benign and malignant tumors of different organ systems, mainly including nervous system and internal organs.