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  1. 10 lug 2024 · Tra i suoi capolavori spiccano il monumentale Polittico di Gand (completato nel 1432), dipinto con il misterioso fratello maggiore Hubert van Eyck, e il Ritratto dei coniugi Arnolfini (1434), un'opera paradigmatica dell'intera scuola fiamminga.

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    11 lug 2024 · Capolavoro assoluto del maestro Jan van Eyck e di suo fratello Hubert, l’Adorazione dell’Agnello Mistico è il più grande polittico del Rinascimento fiammingo (375 x 258 cm). Dipinto a olio su 12 pannelli di legno di quercia, mette in scena il tema della Redenzione su due registri.

  3. 6 giorni fa · Jan van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece, 1430. ... Jan Van Eyck’s Famed Ghent Altarpiece Got an Assist from His Older Brother Hubert, Researchers Find. By Taylor Dafoe, Oct 14, 2021 ...

  4. 19 lug 2024 · Jan van Eyck was Netherlandish painter who perfected the newly developed technique of oil painting. His naturalistic panel paintings, mostly portraits and religious subjects, include the Ghent Altarpiece (1432), Portrait of a Man (1433), and the Arnolfini Portrait (1434).

  5. 16 lug 2024 · Jan van Eyck (* um 1390 in Maaseik; † 1441 in Brügge) war ein flämischer Maler des Spätmittelalters und gilt als der Begründer und zugleich der berühmteste Vertreter der altniederländischen Malerei. Er leitete die neue naturalistische Kunstepoche nördlich der Alpen ein.

  6. 3 lug 2024 · The Ghent Altarpiece polyptych, also known as the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, was initiated by Hubert van Eyck and completed (after the latter’s death) by his brother Jan in 1432.

  7. 30 giu 2024 · He lives in Slovenia with his wife, children and their hairless dog, Hubert van Eyck (believe it or not). Learn more at Guest speaker: Gretchen Allen