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  1. › wiki › Lucius_Mindius_BalbusMindia gens - Wikipedia

    19 giu 2024 · The gens Mindia was a minor plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens appear in history beginning in the middle of the first century BC, and achieved senatorial rank in imperial times. Mindia Matidia was a grandniece of the emperor Trajan .

  2. 6 giorni fa · Vibia Sabina was the daughter of Salonina Matidia, niece of the Roman Emperor Trajan, and suffect consul Lucius Vibius Sabinus. Before Hadrian acceded to the throne around 100 CE, their marriage was more a product of political convenience than a match of love.

  3. 20 giu 2024 · Programma 2024. GIUGNO. Dall’11 al 21. PALAZZO DELLA CULTURA. Ore 21,00. La giara. di Luigi Pirandello. regia Giuseppe Dipasquale. con Tuccio Musumeci, Angelo Tosto, Filippo Brazzaventre, Pietro Casano, Luciano Fioretto, Claudio Musumeci, Vincenzo Volo, Lucia Portale, Ramona Polizzi, Federica Gurrieri.

  4. › wiki › TrajanTrajan — Wikipédia

    1 giorno fa · Salonina Matidia et ses filles Vibia Sabina et Matidia la Jeune jouent un rôle important dans la politique dynastique de Trajan. Sabine se marie en 100 à Hadrien, faisant de lui le plus proche parent mâle de Trajan, et donc le candidat idéal à la succession.

  5. 7 giu 2024 · Un’arena gigantesca che comprende la necropoli, le terme di Matidia e i porti di Claudio e Traiano.

  6. › wiki › TrajanTrajan - Wikipedia

    6 giorni fa · Trajan ( Latin: Traianus; 18 September 53 – c. 11 August 117) was a Roman emperor from AD 98 to 117, the second of the Five Good Emperors of the Nerva–Antonine dynasty. He was a philanthropic ruler and a successful soldier-emperor who led the Roman Empire to its greatest territorial extent by the time of his death.

  7. › wiki › HadrianHadrian - Wikipedia

    6 giorni fa · Hadrian could also count on the support of his mother-in-law, Salonia Matidia, who was the daughter of Trajan's beloved sister Ulpia Marciana. When Ulpia Marciana died in 112, Trajan had her deified, and made Salonia Matidia an Augusta. Bust of Emperor Trajan; Musée Saint-Raymond, Toulouse