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  1. 17 giu 2024 · General upper secondary school provides all-round education aiming at the matriculation examination. General upper secondary school prepares you for a university of applied sciences or a university. After comprehensive school, you can also apply to a vocational institute.

  2. 13 giu 2024 · Lu­ku­vuo­den 2024-2025 aloi­tus Alp­pi­lan lu­kios­sa. Lukuvuosi alkaa torstaina 8.8.2024 porrastetusti vuositason mukaan. Tervetuloa aloittamaan uutta lukuvuotta! Torstai 8.8. RO-päivä. Uudet ykköset: koulupäiväsi alkaa koulun pääovien edessä klo 9.15. Ryhmänohjaajasi on sinua vastassa.

  3. 17 giu 2024 · Apply for general upper secondary school via the upper secondary level joint application process (yhteishaku) in February-March. You can apply for general upper secondary school if you have completed the basic education syllabus or a syllabus corresponding to basic education.

  4. After finishing, students are eligible to apply to universities, universities of applied sciences or general upper secondary school based vocational education. Most general upper secondary schools provide education in Finnish or Swedish language.

  5. 25 giu 2024 · Upper Secondary Education. Upper secondary school (Λύκειο, Lykeio, Upper Secondary Education School, Lyceum, High School: the US term for upper secondary school) is non-compulsory education lasting 3 years. High schools starts on September 11 and ends on June 15.

  6. 24 giu 2024 · The national core curriculum for all general upper secondary education programmes is defined by the Ministry of Children and Education. The core curriculum for 2020 (Læreplaner 2020) describes the academic objectives and core contents of all subjects in the Danish general upper secondary education. Subjects

  7. 23 giu 2024 · You are eligible for admission if you have attended one of the European Schools and have been promoted to class 5 of the secondary school. In addition, there are a number of specific requirements (see below).