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  1. 4 giorni fa · L'accantonata questione luterana esplose di nuovo nel 1527, quando truppe di mercenari germanici di fede protestante e di stanza in Italia disertarono, discesero sullo Stato della Chiesa e saccheggiarono Roma.

  2. 2 giorni fa · Most art historians state that the High Renaissance started between 1490 and 1500, and ended in 1520 with the death of Raphael, although some say the High Renaissance ended about 1525, or in 1527 with the Sack of Rome by the mutinous army of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, or about 1530.

  3. 3 giorni fa · Nel 1527, intanto, in rotta politica col papato, Carlo V mosse verso Roma dove le truppe dei mercenari lanzichenecchi, in maggioranza luterani e antipapisti, la saccheggiarono gravemente. Fu una delle prime guerre di religione tra cattolici e protestanti, benché alcuni cattolici francesi e spagnoli combattessero assieme ai luterani (lo stesso ...

  4. 4 giorni fa · In 1527, the Sack of Rome sparked a new rebellion. The Siege of Florence in 1529–1530 put an end to the Florentine Republic, which became a duchy under Cosimo I of Tuscany, who became Grand Duke after the conquest of Siena, making Florence the capital of Tuscany.

  5. 2 giorni fa · Worst of all was the 6 May 1527 Sack of Rome by mutinous German mercenaries that all but ended the role of the Papacy as the largest patron of Renaissance art.

  6. 3 giorni fa · Clement VII's tumultuous pontificate was dominated by a rapid succession of political crises—many long in the making—that resulted in the sack of Rome by the armies of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1527 and rise of the Salviati, Altoviti and Strozzi as the leading bankers of the Roman Curia.

  7. 2 giorni fa · Philip II (21 May 1527 – 13 September 1598), also known as Philip the Prudent (Spanish: Felipe el Prudente), was King of Spain from 1556, King of Portugal from 1580, and King of Naples and Sicily from 1554 until his death in 1598.