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  1. 30 giu 2024 · p-adic numbers were first described by Kurt Hensel in 1897, though, with hindsight, some of Ernst Kummer's earlier work can be interpreted as implicitly using p-adic numbers.

  2. 1 lug 2024 · Some biographies of past contributors to number theory. A glance at Paulo Ribenboim's Fermat's Last Theorem for amateurs, Franz Lemmermeyer's Reciprocity Laws and L.E. Dickson's History of the Theory of Numbers, reveals the existence of many past number theorists about whom little is known.

  3. 13 giu 2024 · 19. yüzyılın sonlarında matematikçi Kurt Hensel, p -sel sayılar olarak adlandırılan kavramı geliştirdi. Sonsuz büyüklüklerdeki sayıları genelde π = 3,14159… gibi, virgülden sonra devam eden basamaklarla görmeye alışkınız.

  4. › Teoria_dei_campi_(matematica)Teoria dei campi (matematica)

    21 giu 2024 · La prima nozione formale di campo fu elaborata da 1893 da Heinrich Martin Weber e da questa iniziò quindi svilupparsi nei primi anni del XX secolo la teoria dei campi grazie ai lavori di Giuseppe Veronese, Kurt Hensel ed Ernst Steinitz.

  5. techyzech.blogspot.comTECHY ZECH

    25 giu 2024 · In the realm of mathematical foundations, Kurt Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems stand as intellectual landmarks, reshaping our understanding of the limits inherent in mathematical reasoning. The First Incompleteness Theorem: The Boundary of Axiomatic Systems.

  6. 5 giorni fa · Nürnberg. Johannisfriedhof – Theodor von Cramer-Klett (im Familiengrab der Cramer-Klett), Albrecht Dürer, Anselm Feuerbach, Willibald Pirckheimer, Hans Sachs (genaue Grabstelle unbekannt), Johannes Scharrer, Rudolf Schiestl, Veit Stoß, William Wilson. Rochusfriedhof – Johann Pachelbel, Peter Vischer d. Ä.

  7. 29 giu 2024 · Hier finden Sie aktuelle Traueranzeigen und Todesanzeigen. Gedenken Sie online.