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  1. › wiki › Oscar_WildeOscar Wilde - Wikipedia

    4 giorni fa · È rimasta famosa nella letteratura inglese De Profundis, una lunga lettera che Oscar Wilde scrisse in carcere nel 1897 (e che fu pubblicata nel 1905), dopo essere stato processato, al suo amante Alfred Douglas.

  2. 4 giorni fa · La sua vita privata divenne oggetto di scandalo pubblico quando fu accusato di “grossa indecenza” a seguito della sua relazione con Lord Alfred Douglas, un giovane poeta aristocratico. Nel 1895, Wilde fu processato e condannato a due anni di lavori forzati, una pena che segnò profondamente sia il suo fisico che il suo spirito.

  3. 24 mag 2024 · Der gefeierte irische Schriftsteller Oscar Wilde lebt in London, ist verheiratet und Vater eines Sohnes, als er 1891 bei einem Nachmittagstee den 17 Jahre jüngeren Lord Alfred Douglas kennenlernt. Die beiden werden Freunde und bald Geliebte – eine Beziehung, die Wilde vier Jahre später ins Gefängnis bringt: Wegen homosexueller ...

  4. 16 mag 2024 · The Oscar Wilde Society was founded in September 1990, by a small group of enthusiasts for Wilde and his works, gathered in the Queensberry Room at the Cafe Royal. This was a very appropriate venue. Here Oscar often entertained his guests, including his lover ‘Bosie’ – Lord Alfred Douglas -and here Bosie’s father, the ...

  5. 16 mag 2024 · During his imprisonment, Wilde composed a heartfelt letter to Lord Alfred Douglas, which was later published as "De Profundis." The letter reflects on Wilde's spiritual and emotional journey and has been acclaimed for its introspective and poignant nature. Oscar Wilde passed away in Paris at the age of 46.

  6. 4 giorni fa · Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas (22 October 1870 – 20 March 1945), also known as Bosie Douglas, was an English poet and journalist, and a lover of Oscar Wilde. At Oxford he edited an undergraduate journal, The Spirit Lamp, that carried a homoerotic subtext, and met Wilde, starting a close but stormy relationship.

  7. 6 giorni fa · Some academics interpret Wilde’s relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas as evidence of his bisexuality, while others use his humor and wit to suggest he had a preference for men. Much of Wilde’s work deals with themes of romance, desire and love, but this could be because he was trying to understand its complexities, rather than ...