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  1. 4 giorni fa · He was one of the principal architects of the Reform Act 1832, which was the first major reform of Parliament since the Restoration, and a significant early step on the road to democracy and away from rule by the aristocracy and landed gentry.

  2. 6 giorni fa · The great Reform Act 1832 came at a time of intense public and elite anxiety and broke the logjam. The parliamentary system, based on a very small electorate and large numbers of seats that were tightly controlled by a small elite, was radically reformed.

  3. 4 giorni fa · He oversaw the passage of the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829, while he opposed the Reform Act 1832. He continued as one of the leading figures in the House of Lords until his retirement and remained Commander-in-Chief of the British Army until his death .

  4. 4 giorni fa · Chartism was a mass movement for democratic rights that developed in the second half of the 1830s following the Great Reform Act of 1832. The Chartists were so called because of the six points of their Charter: 1. A vote for every male over 21. 2. A ballot held in secret. 3. No property qualification. 4. Payment of MPs. 5. Equal ...

  5. 5 giorni fa · With the adoption of the Reform Act and the institution of a Reform Ministry in 1832 responsible for measures that were perceived as direct attacks on those excluded from the franchise, the word ‘reformer’ regained its earlier association with half-measures and betrayal; it was as Chartists rather than as reformers that advocates ...

  6. 6 giorni fa · It is, perhaps, on the national stage that female exclusion has been presumed to be most pronounced. Women were officially excluded from the national franchise in the 1832 Reform Act and for some historians this constitutional restriction has stood as a reflection of political reality.

  7. 4 giorni fa · By the 1867 Reform Act Birmingham was given three seats in Parliament, but each elector on the extended franchise retained only two votes. To make sure that the Liberals were returned, it has been argued, tighter control of the extended electorate was necessary.