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  1. 2 giorni fa · Axel Oxenstierna, successful Swedish diplomat, soldier and Lord Chancellor of Sweden for the entirety of Gustavus reign. He held the appointment of legatus in the Rhineland, with plenipotentiary authority over all German generals and princes in Swedish service.

    • 1630-1635
    • Throughout the Holy Roman Empire
  2. 2 giorni fa · Axel Oxenstierna managed to have the corpse interred in Riddarholmen Church on 22 June 1634, but had to post guards after she tried to dig it up. Maria Eleanora had been indifferent to her daughter but now, belatedly, Christina became the center of her mother's attention.

  3. 3 giorni fa · During the regency, Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna wrote the 1634 Instrument of Government, which although never approved by any monarch, nevertheless would continue to have an important normative role in the state administration.

  4. 28 mag 2024 · Jordrätten till Påvalsby förvärvades 30 maj 1639 av Axel Oxenstierna, i vars friherreskap Kimito räntan redan förut ingick, genom byte med kaptenen Johan Eketrä (d. före 30 maj 1652), Sven Månssons son.

  5. 29 mag 2024 · Oxenstierna, known as the godfather of the Swedish system and bureaucracy, held immense power for over four decades after being appointed Chancellor on New Year’s Day in 1612. His reign came to an end on August 28, 1654, leaving a significant impact on Swedish history.

  6. 19 mag 2024 · The film explores Queen Christina’s close relationship with Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna, her trusted mentor and advisor. Their bond plays a crucial role in the story. The movie features memorable dialogue.

  7. 3 giorni fa · Biografi. Enligt adelns riksdagsprotokoll skulle D. i jan. 1627 infunnit sig på Riddarhuset. Brev från Axel Oxenstierna visar, att D. dock i varje fall i mars s. å. var fången hos polackerna, ehuru han snart utväxlats.