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  1. Fuggito dalla natia Sicilia, Michele Cannaritta emigra al Nord e si trasferisce in provincia di Bergamo, dove trova lavoro come cameriere. Ben presto viene conteso dalla padrona di casa, dalle sue

  2. This article lists lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer -related films involving participation and/or representation of LGBT people. The list includes films that deal with or feature significant LGBT issues or characters.

  3. Ecce Homo. Lodovico Cardi, detto il Cigoli (Cigoli, San Miniato 1559 - Roma 1613) This painting - perhaps the best known by Ludovico Cigoli and considered one of his masterpieces - was commissioned by Massimo Massimi, a Roman nobleman.

  4. This study focuses on analysing the relationship between the media, emotions and popular culture, with particular emphasis on daytime talk shows on generalist television in Portugal.

  5. Il volto del nostro più antico antenato conosciuto, l’Homo sapiens di Jebel Irhoud, è stato svelato grazie al lavoro dell’esperto brasiliano Cicero.

  6. Marco Gervasoni. Siamo tutti un po' Neanderthal. Stanno cambiando le teorie evolutive sull'uomo. di Marco Gervasoni. +. Due libri e un paio di considerazioni: in primo luogo l’uomo non è il ...

  7. 1. Iceland. Gay Iceland in a nutshell. Gay marriage legalized: 2010. Number of Pride events: 2. The main gay villages: Reykjavík and Akureyri. Next main Pride event: Reykjavík Pride, 4-11 August 2024. We'll bet that Iceland is on the top of every gay traveler's Bucket List. It certainly was on ours – and it did not disappoint!