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  1. College of Sharia (Islamic Law) The College was the first to be established at Hebron University in 1971 with 43 students. The main aims of the College are to prepare a new generation proud of its religion and with a well-grounded understanding of Islamic teachings; a generation that is well equipped with the expertise to cultivate Islamic ...

  2. Jihad in Islam: meaning of Jihad, definition, rules, effects, benefits, prisoners, agreements in Islamic Law, rules of apostasy, the impact of da’wa in international relations, dar al-Islam and dar al-Kufr (Islamic territory, war territory).

  3. Welcome to the Department of Theology and Religion, with its branches: Islamic thought, the Qur'aan and Sunnah. In this site, you will look at the Islamic thought that provides basis for the behavior of human beings in accordance with the religion of God in all aspects of life.

  4. College of Sharia (Islamic Law) The College was the first to be established at Hebron University in 1971 with 43 students. The main aims of the College are to prepare a new generation proud of its religion and with a well-grounded understanding of Islamic teachings; a generation that is well equipped with the expertise to cultivate Islamic ...

  5. Register now. Language Center; English; French; Hebrew; Turkish; Arabic; Academic programs; Colleges; Undergraduate; Postgraduate

  6. جامعة الخليل‎ : جامعة فلسطينية تاسست عام 1971 في مدينة الخليل، تتبع وزارة التعليم العالي وهي اول جامعة فلسطينية Hebron University ,a Palestinian university. It is located in Hebron, in the West Bank. It is the First Palestinian university established in 1971.

  7. He enrolled at Hebron University to study Islamic Sharia in 1985, during which he was elected head of the Islamic faction at the university, and was recruited to Hamas during the First Intifada against the Israeli occupation in 1987.