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  1. Si usa nella frase, non com., dire (meno spesso gridare) raca a qualcuno, insultarlo: [il pellegrino] vide infiniti uomini: alcuno, Raca! gli disse, ed altri, Ave gli rese (Pascoli); e grida raka a chi non crede che essi posseggono soli la verità e la bellezza (Carducci).

  2. Raca. Significato Voce che compare nel Vangelo secondo Matteo come insulto; ingiuria che sottolinea la stupidità e la pochezza di una persona.

  3. raka L’ insieme di atti (inchini del busto, prosternazione sino a toccar la terra con la fronte, sessione sulle gambe inginocchiate), che accompagnano la preghiera musulmana ( ṣalāt ). Ogni ṣalāt consta di un numero minimo di r., variabile secondo il momento della giornata.

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Abilities


    Raka is an evolved orangutan who resided as a hermit before joining Noa on the latter's journey to save the Eagle Clan.

    Early Life

    Born 300 years after Caesar's time, Raka had fathered a family and became a member of the Order of Caesar, a group of ape scholars; who sought to preserve Caesar's legacy and teachings. But as time passed, the other members died off, leaving him as the last surviving member. Raka eventually came into a confrontation against a bonobo named Proximus Caesar; who had twisted Caesar's teachings and conquered other ape clans in hopes of using them as slave labor to access human technologies within a former military bunker. Raka's family was killed by Proximus' followers, although Raka managed to flee and lived as a hermit in the ruins of LAX.

    •Genius-Level Intellect: As a descendant of evolved apes, Raka has a high level of intelligence.

    •Speech: Raka is capable of speaking fluently.

    •Animal Strength

    •Animal Speed

    •Animal Reflexes

    •Animal Stamina

  4. Rakʿa (ﺭﻛﻌـة, pl. rakaʿāt) è l' unità costituiva delle preghiera islamica. Ogni salāt è composta da un diverso numero di tali unità, ognuna delle quali risulta composta dai seguenti movimenti del corpo, rigidamente stabiliti, da compiere dopo aver conseguito la purità rituale (tahara), aver...

  5. › @raka_musicRAKA - YouTube

    Raka, the soulful Punjabi sensation, has won hearts with his unique blend of vocals and captivating songwriting. His engaging and relatable content, combined with exceptional songwriting skills...